Consistently a top-rated Kiwi Sauvignon Blanc

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2023 Lawson's Dry Hills Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough New Zealand 750 ml
- Curated by unrivaled experts
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“The Whole District is Buzzing About This Vintage”
Lawson’s Dry Hills was our highest-rated New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc of the last year—but despite our members’ enthusiasm, it will never be our top seller.
There’s just not enough of it to go around.
The 2023 comes from one of the greatest seasons in recent memory in Marlborough. Thanks to a La Niña year’s cold nights, Marlborough-based Sophie Parker-Thomson MW wrote that “the whole district is buzzing about this vintage, with winemakers surmising about where it slots into their top five ranked vintages of all time. It’s an excellent vintage across the board for Marlborough.”
This is pure, classic New Zealand: bursting with ripe guava, pink grapefruit, lemongrass, green apple, and dried grass. No matter where we have the pleasure of tasting it, we always find ourselves lingering way too long over this cool Kiwi stunner, whose fruit and fresh, crisp acidity will seduce you opening more bottles than you planned.
While not a household name in the US, Lawson’s Dry Hills is in the prestigious Family of Twelve, a consortium of top-tier family-owned New Zealand estates like Craggy Range, Villa Maria, and Nautilus. Their winemaker is the worldly Marcus Wright, who’s made wine on three continents: He went to Chile before sharpening his Sauvignon Blanc skills in the Loire under the watchful eye of legendary Bordeaux (and now global) vintner Jacques Lurton. Marcus has been with Lawson’s Dry Hills since 2000, right around when they first snuck into the US market and started earning their stellar reputation.
We know that our Lawson’s Dry Hills fans are already popping bottles. Here’s hoping that everyone else—fans of Tinpot Hut, Craggy Range, and all mouthwatering Sauvignon Blancs—gets their share too.