The top-rated vintage of our #1 Sauvignon Blanc

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2022 Tinpot Hut Sauvignon Blanc Marlborough 750 ml
$24 | per bottle |
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Alone at the Top of the Charts
At Wine Access, there’s no other Sauvignon Blanc referred to simply as THE Sauvignon Blanc. That’s because there has never been a better-selling Sauvignon Blanc in our entire history—just Tinpot Hut, alone at the top of the charts.
For winemaker Fiona Turner and her husband Hamish, 17 years of pioneering work in Marlborough’s coastal subzone of Blind River are paying off handsomely. Hamish manages their Home Block vineyard, planted in 2005, and today the vines are in their prime, churning out head-turning quality, year after year.
Our members’ devotion to Tinpot Hut is legendary: One called it “everything a Sauvignon Blanc should be,” while another wrote, “I have bought it three times now.” Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has made it a staple at home, saying, “Love your wine, always have some in the cellar.”
From a vintage that was high in quantity and quality, the 2022 Tinpot Hut is another star that outperforms its price. It’s the definition of an open-anytime cellar-staple.
Thanks to a nicely dry period from February 20th to March 20th, the 2022 growing season was kind to the crop of grapes in Marlborough, and particularly to the Turners’ Home Block Vineyard. There, sunny but cool conditions late in the season concentrated the Sauvignon Blanc, allowing it to develop an extra jolt of citrus that bursts alongside Chablis-like elegance—all for an unbelievable price.
In short, the 2022 vintage is another great success for this standard-bearing New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc.