Classic Pouilly-Fumé from a Loire Sauv Blanc specialist

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2021 J. de Villebois Pouilly-Fume Loire 750 ml
- Curated by unrivaled experts
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“I Made It My Personal Mission”
Our allocation of J. de Villebois’ stellar Pouilly-Fumé almost didn’t happen—we had to scratch and claw for it.
The importer is really well known in the elite wine world: Vineyard Brands. They’re really selective about their producers, and the first time we discovered this sharp and pointed, super-classic Pouilly-Fumé, we knew we had to have it for our members. They told us not to get our hopes up, because this vintage release saw a 50% reduction for the US market’s allocation.
That just motivated us more.
This is a Pouilly-Fumé that is compact, sleek, and focused, with excellent precision: all attributes we look for in Sauvignon Blanc from this part of the world. When The Wall Street Journal called Pouilly-Fumé the “French Sauvignon Blanc we should be drinking more often,” they were thinking of wines like this one.
Just around the riverbend from the town of Sancerre, Pouilly-Fumé takes its name from the hint of reductive smokiness—like a just-struck match or flint—that’s a trademark of wines like this one. While its neighbor is famous for limestone and clay soils, Pouilly-Fumé also features flinty silex in its geologic mélange. In the hands of top producers like Villebois, that soil diversity can help deliver complexity in the glass.
Villebois ferments and ages theirs in stainless-steel tanks, a classic technique that allows the purity of Sauvignon Blanc to express itself without the intrusion of any oak flavors. The result is delightful—as textbook as Pouilly-Fumé gets.