The Virtual First Date

- Curated by unrivaled experts
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- Temperature controlled shipping options
- Get credited back if a wine fails to impress
2020 Remedy Set: The Virtual First Date 750 ml
- Curated by unrivaled experts
- Choose your delivery date
- Temperature controlled shipping options
- Get credited back if a wine fails to impress
2020 Remedy Set: The Virtual First Date
As far as years go, 2020 is a stunner. We give you permission to interpret that however you see fit. With the pandemic upending all the things we normally do, it’s like the starting pitcher and the relief pitcher just keep lobbing lemon after lemon. Thankfully, there’s wine—the perfect tonic after your gin and tonic. With that in mind, we’ve curated “remedy boxes” of wine for an array of situations to help you get through the last few months of 2020. Because when life hands you lemons, wine is much better than lemonade.
Meeting new people through dating apps has always been a slog, but these days it’s the safest way to meet your potential future life partner. Since no one wants to hang out with strangers in this era, virtual first dates are on the rise. Whether you’re looking for a decades-long commitment or a cuddle buddy to get through the lockdown together, you’re going to want to put your best foot forward with the right bottle of wine. Buy a bottle for yourself and have the same bottle delivered to your date’s doorstep; it’ll give you something to talk about besides mask fashion. If everything goes right and your date wants to meet in person, buy a new bottle for the second date.
2014 Fattoria la Massa Toscana IGT
Wine Spectator’s “world’s hottest winemaker,” Stephane Derenoncourt, worked magic on this 2014 release. After six years of perfect cellaring, it is drinking at an incredible height. There are few wines like it.
NV Champagne M. Brugnon Selection Brut
This is the Champagne that our friends in the wine business are constantly hounding us to share with them. But they’ve got to settle for sips, because the only bottles in the USA are earmarked for Wine Access members.