Sprucing Up Your Home-Cooked Meals

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2020 Remedy Set: Sprucing Up Your Home-Cooked Meals 750 ml
- Curated by unrivaled experts
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2020 Remedy Set: Sprucing Up Your Home-Cooked Meals
As far as years go, 2020 is a stunner. We give you permission to interpret that however you see fit. With the pandemic upending all the things we normally do, it’s like the starting pitcher and the relief pitcher just keep lobbing lemon after lemon. Thankfully, there’s wine—the perfect tonic after your gin and tonic. With that in mind, we’ve curated “remedy boxes” of wine for an array of situations to help you get through the last few months of 2020. Because when life hands you lemons, wine is much better than lemonade.
When you woke up in January, you probably didn’t think you’d be spending so much of the year cooking at home instead of going out to restaurants. Many months later, you realize you’ve been making the same five dinners on rotation and you need to add a new element of pizzazz to your meals. Do you spice up the menu by adding croutons to your salad? We suppose you could do that—if you’re happy being miserable. But why not add some colorful vintages to your rotation instead? With so many different kinds of wine, it’d be a challenge to become routine.
2017 Dakota Shy Cabernet Sauvignon T-E-N Napa Valley
Dakota Shy’s inspiring story has few rivals. Ditto for their stellar 2017 TEN Cabernet Sauvignon—especially in the rare value category.
2016 Albert Bichot Domaine du Pavillon Clos des Ursulines Monopole Pommard
“While not classified as a Premier Cru, the vineyard… performs seriously,” said Wine Enthusiast. This is the rare single-vineyard Burgundy that delivers serious value in tandem with exceptional pedigree.
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