Power-Corking at the Office Holiday Zoom Party

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2020 Remedy Set: Power-Corking At The Holiday Office Zoom Party 750 ml
- Curated by unrivaled experts
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- Temperature controlled shipping options
- Get credited back if a wine fails to impress
2020 Remedy Set: Power-Corking At The Holiday Office Zoom Party
As far as years go, 2020 is a stunner. We give you permission to interpret that however you see fit. With the pandemic upending all the things we normally do, it’s like the starting pitcher and the relief pitcher just keep lobbing lemon after lemon. Thankfully, there’s wine—the perfect tonic after your gin and tonic. With that in mind, we’ve curated “remedy boxes” of wine for an array of situations to help you get through the last few months of 2020. Because when life hands you lemons, wine is much better than lemonade.
It’s been a trying year for office social dynamics, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get together on Zoom for the annual holiday office party. If you think the wine you drink at a Zoom party doesn’t matter, you’re dead wrong. This is your chance to showcase to your boss and your peers your knowledge of quality wines—a move we’ll call “power-corking,” (which is far more impressive than having a carefully-placed copy of “War and Peace” on your bookshelf with a bookmark saddled in the final pages.) The best part is, since the party’s on Zoom, it’s impossible to share your top-notch wine with Dave in accounting who always borrows your pen, but never returns your pen.
2015 Château Prieuré-Lichine Margaux Grand Cru Classé
A collector's dream come true—this Left Bank showstopper from one of Bordeaux's most treasured properties produced its greatest-ever vintage in 2015. It drove critics wild, easily ranking as the best Margaux under $100.
NV Pierre Moncuit Delos Grand Cru Brut Champagne
This classic Grand Cru Champagne transports you to a world of elegance, evoking nights past of black ties and evening gowns—the kind of escape we need.