Making the Most of Your Quiet Time

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2020 Remedy Set: Making The Most Of Your Quiet Time 750 ml
- Curated by unrivaled experts
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- Temperature controlled shipping options
- Get credited back if a wine fails to impress
2020 Remedy Set: Making The Most Of Your Quiet Time
As far as years go, 2020 is a stunner. We give you permission to interpret that however you see fit. With the pandemic upending all the things we normally do, it’s like the starting pitcher and the relief pitcher just keep lobbing lemon after lemon. Thankfully, there’s wine—the perfect tonic after your gin and tonic. With that in mind, we’ve curated “remedy boxes” of wine for an array of situations to help you get through the last few months of 2020. Because when life hands you lemons, wine is much better than lemonade.
Sometimes you’ll sit down at the end of a long day and realize the kids are asleep, you don’t have any work to do, and you can enjoy some peace and quiet all on your own. These moments don’t always come along, so don’t let them go to waste by plopping yourself in front of the television. This is an excellent opportunity to sit in your favorite chair with a good book, or maybe put on headphones to catch up on your latest true-crime podcast, and underscore this moment all to yourself with a bottle of wine so unforgettable you won’t remember anything else.
2017 E. Guigal Condrieu La Doriane
One of the most iconic white wines in the world, from the winemaker Robert Parker called the “World’s Greatest,” La Doriane is the kind of bottle that will have every guest at the party racing toward you with glasses outstretched... which is why we recommend savoring it solo.
2016 Clos Apalta Colchagua Chile
This Chilean legend, made from 100-year-old vines, shows the heights wine can achieve. The 2016 Clos Apalta shows what a “breathtaking,” 99-point, near-perfect wine tastes like—not something we get to say very often.