The Everlasting Election Season Stopper

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2020 Remedy Set: The Everlasting Election Season Sipper 750 ml
- Curated by unrivaled experts
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- Get credited back if a wine fails to impress
2020 Remedy Set: The Everlasting Election Season Sipper
As far as years go, 2020 is a stunner. We give you permission to interpret that however you see fit. With the pandemic upending all the things we normally do, it’s like the starting pitcher and the relief pitcher just keep lobbing lemon after lemon. Thankfully, there’s wine—the perfect tonic after your gin and tonic. With that in mind, we’ve curated “remedy boxes” of wine for an array of situations to help you get through the last few months of 2020. Because when life hands you lemons, wine is much better than lemonade.
Every election season seems to start a little earlier than the one that came before, but this year with a record number of mail-in votes expected to trickle in past election day, the winner of the 2020 presidential election may not be called until around Thanksgiving. To help you get through the anxiety, the drama, and the emotional whiplash of an election campaign season with an everlasting finish, you’re going to want to pair your miniature American flag with wines that also have an everlasting finish.
You’ll want two bottles, one for after you cast your ballot and one for when the winner is finally called. Or, if you’re feeling especially patriotic, get one bottle for each of the six to ten pivotal swing states.
2016 Editorial Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley
How far would you go for $35 Napa Cabernet crafted from cult-quality fruit? 30 miles by bike? 50? Our friend, a leading journalist, was sore for days after tracking this stunning bottle down. He says it was worth it.
2018 County Line Vineyards Pinot Noir Sonoma Coast
This radiant but accessible Pinot Noir captures the essence of the Sonoma Coast. We made 3 dozen calls to secure this wine. It was worth it.