Jean-Georges group’s go-to Sancerre

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2020 Daniel Crochet Sancerre Cuvee Prestige Loire 750 ml
- Curated by unrivaled experts
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Glad to Be in on the Ground Floor
“I first had this at a little shop in Chinon,” said our Chief Wine Officer, Vanessa Conlin MW. “I have a friend who makes wine there, and his wife owns the wine bar where all the locals drink. I was really excited when I found out that there was an importer for it, because I couldn’t wait to share it with my friends back home.”
Daniel Crochet is an ecologically minded, traditional, and unassuming grower in Bué, and a member of the rather large Crochet clan that is scattered across these parts. His Cuvée Prestige, made from 40-year-old organically farmed vines cultivated on the best plots in his holdings in Bué and Sancerre, has been routinely poured throughout the Jean-Georges restaurant empire.
It just goes to show you that the Sancerre appellation is filled with so many terrific growers that have not quite reached nationwide renown—and we are thrilled to be in on the ground floor with this one, whose wines Wine Advocate praised as “remarkably good.”
“I had never had any of his wine before,” said the eminent publication about Daniel Crochet. “But this is definitely a producer I would always consider to buy."