Pinot Noir from Cristom’s Top Willamette Valley Sources

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2019 Cristom Vineyards Pinot Noir Willamette Valley 750 ml
Sourced from precious Willamette Valley sites that hundreds of winemakers covet, and whose single-vineyard bottlings can push triple-digit prices. Cristom's 2019 Pinot is a stunner.
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Action Equals Access: Cristom’s Newest Pinot
Our members snap up every offer of Cristom Vineyards Pinot Noir, and today, all that action pays off with access—because following yet another sellout, we’ve been rewarded with another Pinot Noir allocation from one of the top producers in the country. We’re thrilled to bring this small-production bottling to you at an incredible price.
Sourced from precious Willamette Valley sites that hundreds of winemakers covet and whose single-vineyard bottlings can push triple-digit prices—Abbott Claim, Guadalupe, Brittan, and Hyland among them—the 2019 is exactly what we’ve come to love from Wine & Spirits magazine’s #1 restaurant Pinot producer: vibrant, ruby-hued Pinot Noir with aromas of bright red cherry, strawberry, and high-toned cranberry. Tons of red fruit on the palate, accented with bay, camphor, and a bass note of dried fruit. A backbone of mouthwatering acidity carries the wine, with anise and dried herbs coming through on a finish of fine tea tannins.
Cristom has not only some of the finest estate vineyards in the Willamette Valley, but some of the finest fruit contracts too: deals with sought-after vineyards like Abbott Claim, Guadalupe, Brittan, Hyland, and many of the others to which area winemakers would love to have access. These vineyards have long been crucial to Cristom’s success, but as the winery has become more estate-focused, the outside fruit has made a Willamette Valley bottling—albeit a very small one—possible. The first came in the 2018 vintage, and was a fast sellout on Wine Access.
In 2019, the team of winegrower-owner Tom Gerrie, Steve Doerner, and Daniel Estrin (formally of Littorai) enjoyed a fantastic vintage after a delayed harvest. They applied their minimalist winemaking approach—which they sum up as “more about the land than the hand”—and put out a bottling that bears the signature of a winery that has made Wine Spectator’s Top 100, and been named a Top 100 winery seven times in the last decade by Wine & Spirits magazine.