A 93pt Recipe for a Sellout If We’ve Ever Seen One

- 93 pts James Suckling93 pts JS
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2019 Courtney Benham Chardonnay Oak Knoll AVA Napa Valley 750 ml
- Curated by unrivaled experts
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Oak Knoll Focus, Intensity, and Beauty
Round up the 93-point Napa Chardonnays from heritage growers and you’ll notice two prevailing trends: most are $30-60+, or they’re sold out. Not today.
We hit the jackpot with this fresh and graceful Chardonnay from member-favorite producer Courtney Benham. It’s built on a foundation of blue-chip grapes and veteran winemaking. But unlike its peers, this wine’s astounding price will leave you with some cash in your pocket.
Courtney Benham wines rarely last long with Wine Access members, and this might be our best Courtney Benham deal yet. It comes from a benchmark Oak Knoll vineyard whose Chardonnay normally lists for nearly $40. But thanks to a phone call with Benham himself (and a little friendly negotiating), we were able to knock the price way, way down.
An established member favorite, plus winemaking prestige, plus an unbelievable price—that’s a sellout recipe if we’ve ever seen one.
This Chardonnay’s serotonin-releasing smoothness and undercurrent of citrus acidity made it a total knockout at our judging panel. It’s a signature expression of Oak Knoll precision and focus—rich with aromas of white peach, lemon curd, and white lilies. One sip will have you mulling over white peach, jasmine, and vanilla flavors that take their time, lingering on a satisfying finish.
Courtney Benham runs the hit estate Angeline and revived the historic Martin Ray property. When we first approached him about his eponymous Chardonnay, it was completely spoken for. But after our members made extremely quick work of a few Martin Ray offers, we figured it couldn’t hurt to ask one more time… and it paid off. He rerouted an allocation our way—a little favor to reward our members—and we’re thrilled to be working with him again, especially since it means putting a stellar Chardonnay value into your hands.
This stunning wine began with just a truckload of coveted grapes from Napa’s cool-climate Oak Knoll AVA, where Chardonnay is renowned for its intensity and crisp acidity. Air-conditioned by the chilly Pacific Ocean and ripened by the beaming California sun, the Chardonnay grapes are simultaneously pushed toward freshness and ripeness, while fog protects vines from excessive heat. Alluvial and marine sedimentary soils infuse the voluptuous fruit profile with depth and complexity.
Courtney Benham’s connections throughout California—the fruit of his long career producing top-rated wines—meant that truck pulled into his driveway. Raised on a family farm in Bakersfield, he learned the wine business from his father. Since the 1980s, he’s become one of California’s savviest operators, racking up countless 90+ scores across multiple estates. This Chardonnay is the latest in his long line of winemaking triumphs, an extraordinary example of crispness and grace.