Parker: “This wine rocks!”

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2018 Palazzo Cuvee Blanc Reserve Napa Valley 750 ml
Retail: $65 | ||
$40 | 38% off | 1-5 bottles |
$38 | 42% off | 6-11 bottles |
$35 | 46% off | 12 + bottles |
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You Have Never Had a Napa Valley White Like This
Robert Parker has long been in love with Scott Palazzo’s wines, and about a decade ago he invited him to a little trattoria outside Baltimore to taste through a complete vertical of Palazzo’s wines. The lineup of about two dozen bottles was dominated by reds—but the first thing Parker asked was whether Scott had brought any of his white.
Palazzo poured Parker a taste from an unreleased bottle. The great critic was floored. “Palazzo—this wine rocks!” he said, before taking another sip. Then he took on a more serious tone. “Can you buy the vineyard?”
The wine that blew away the world’s greatest wine critic was the Palazzo Cuvée Blanc—and the 2018 is one of the best editions ever.
Composed mainly of Sémillon grown on head-high 70-year-old vines planted on a secret seven-acre plot in Yountville, it’s a majestic, rich, and elegant Bordeaux-style white that’s just coming into its own seven years after harvest.
Palazzo had long wanted to make a white, but after searching for the right fruit for more than a year, he was almost ready to give up—until a broker brought him a sample of Sémillon that had, as Scott put it, “off the charts” minerality. He told the broker to take him to the vineyard. What he saw there shocked him: wild, ten-foot-tall, 70-year-old Sémillon vines with huge canopies of leaves. “It’s the most balanced vineyard I’ve ever seen,” he said.
"One day it’s gonna quit making fruit," Scott told us. "But until then…”
Until then, we have the 2018 Cuvée Blanc. It’s one of the most remarkable white wines made in California, and we’re proud to bring it to you.