The Best of Beaujolais

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2018 Charly Thevenet Régnié Grain et Granit Beaujolais 750 ml
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The Future of Beaujolais is Here
Charly Thévenet, son of Beaujolais legend Jean-Paul Thévenet, is leading his home region’s charge into the future. This one, the 2018 Charly Thévenet Régnié Grain et Granit gushes with a medley of berries, herbs, exotic spices, crushed stones, and lavender. It outperforms nearly every other example of the region’s wines that you’ll find below $35.
Simply put, this single-vineyard gem has everything going for it, and at a price that rarely buys such a show-stopping wine.
It comes from Régnié, one of the most exciting of the 10 Beaujolais crus, villages that produce wine of such high quality that the name Beaujolais doesn’t even have to appear on the label. Mere mention of the name of the village is enough to let you know that it’s one of the best. And Thévenet’s vineyard there, eight-decade-old vines that grow on the famous pink granite of the cru, is farmed biodynamically and hand-harvested, ensuring that only the best individual berries make it to the crusher.
Wine made with this level of care usually costs twice as much...especially given its pedigree. But not this one. The 2018 Charly Thévenet Régnié Grain et Granit is destined to become a benchmark in Beaujolais, Charly’s not yet 30 years old, but he’s already setting the world on fire with the incredible red wines he grows and crafts by hand in Beaujolais.
Best to stock up before word gets out.