Two 100pt Icons. Two Top Vineyards. One Incredible Pinot.

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2017 Westwood Pinot Noir Annadel Gap Sonoma County 750 ml
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A Powerful Pinot Ballad
Wind and fog are what make Sonoma’s top Pinot Noirs intense, silky wines worthy of $75 or more. And 100-point icons Philippe Melka and Maayan Koschitzky tapped two of the region’s windiest, foggiest sites to craft the 2017 Westwood Sonoma County Pinot Noir—a stunning bottle that stands shoulder-to-shoulder with Pinots twice the price.
In 2017, Westwood got access to some of the best parcels of the Terra de Promissio Vineyard, a Petaluma Gap site that’s captivated Pinot’s biggest power players. They paired that concentrated and complex Pinot Noir with lots from their biodynamically farmed Annadel Gap Vineyard just to the north. Nestled between Sonoma Mountain and Mount Hood, where winds and 40- to 50-degree temperature swings temper sunny afternoons, this vineyard yields Pinot Noir with engaging complexity, intense flavors, and soft tannins.
The estate’s winemaking duo’s expertise, honed at estates like Bryant Family and Hundred Acre (Melka) as well as Screaming Eagle and Dalla Valle (Koschitzky), shines through in this wine’s structure, bold fruit, and finesse.
Westwood’s exceptionally cool vineyard sources were especially key during a warm 2017 summer, when they allowed the Pinot Noir to ripen slowly, developing concentration without sacrificing a bit of brightness.
They hand-harvested this Pinot in the middle of the night to preserve vibrant acidity, then fermented each clone individually, allowing the master blenders to achieve an ideal balance. A cellar treatment of 16 months in 58% new French oak revealed further depth of flavor and imbues a spice-laden warmth.