The Terroir of Pétrus Without the Mark-Up

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2016 Château Tournebrise Lalande-de-Pomerol 750 ml
Lalande-de-Pomerol is one of the truly hidden gems of Bordeaux, Sitting next o the famous Pétrus plateau, on remarkable soil, you’d expect this classic red blend to be spectacular. It is.
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Good Neighbors Make Great Merlot
Our négociant friend mentioned it almost too casually. She had just polished off her pâté, taken a sip of the wine, and said, “You know, I have a client with a vineyard that overlooks Pétrus—pretty sure their wine would go even better with this dish.”
Like a scene in a movie, we all put down our glasses immediately. Did she really just say…that?
We pressed her for more details and an introduction, which is how we found ourselves at the insanely charming Château Tournebrise, just outside the village of Néac, on a cloudy morning this past July.
She was right: There was the famous Pétrus plateau, not far below where we were standing. This was a good sign, indeed: With a neighbor like this, and sitting on such remarkable soil, the wine, we assumed, would be spectacular.
It is. Made primarily of Merlot, the 2016 Château Tournebrise is a tiny-production ruby red that you’ll be hard-pressed to find elsewhere. Boasting deeply expressive flavors of mixed plums, brown spice, and a haunting tobacco note that lingers through the long finish, the 2016 Château Tournebrise is a wine that’s inextricably tied to its region, and a stunning value bottle for everyday dinners and the cellar alike.
Lalande-de-Pomerol is one of the truly hidden gems of Bordeaux. Interestingly, because Pomerol proper was controlled by the British in the 19th century, and Lalande was historically in French hands, the great English négociants focused all of their energies on Pomerol, leading to wines with price tags not just in the triple digits, but quadruple digits. This meant that though the wines from Lalande-de-Pomerol were every bit as worthy of attention, they remained relatively overlooked.
The upside is that Lalande’s lack of fame means that prices are significantly lower for wines of unforgettable character and nuance. This offer is a classic case of being in the right place, on the Right Bank, at the right time.